It’s time for another Sea of Thieves monthly content update, and June’s release plays host to something as haunting as it is hostile. Ghost Ships join Sea of Thieves’ colourful cast of emergent ...
The maximum range of the Grapple Gun has been increased to match the ship’s harpoon, providing players with greater scope for traversal and various sneaky plays. The speed of a fired arrowhead is now ...
Il ritorno di un Signore degli scheletri particolarmente ardente sta avendo delle scottanti ripercussioni nei mari di Sea of Thieves! Gli scheletri si radunano a Molten Sands Fortress ricoprendosi di ...
Duke needs your help again in this month’s update! Pirates supplied him with many Reaper’s Chests last month, but after opening them all, he now has something of a stock problem. Some were valuable ...
Les Collectionneurs d'or, l'Ordre des âmes, l'Alliance des marchands et la Fortune d'Athéna affirment leur présence en vous permettant de payer une somme unique afin d'obtenir le titre d'émissaire et ...
Explore a vast open world of unspoiled islands, sunken ships and mysterious artefacts. Seek out lost treasure, confront cursed Skeleton Captains and protect precious Trading Company cargo. Go hunting ...
Rafforza il legame che ti unisce alla tua ciurma in modi tutti nuovi! Siediti o fai un sonnellino in luoghi disseminati attraverso l'intero universo di Sea of Thieves, parla di possibili nuove ...
Stokçunun Avı, bu internet sitesinde ve diğer çevrim içi konumlarda yer alan ipuçlarıyla bir dizi Bulmaca barındırır. Bir Bulmaca çözün ve bu sitede doğru cevabı girin ve bir sonraki Sea of Thieves ...
주요 업데이트 이후 두 달이 지난 지금도 시즌 10의 열기는 아직 활활 타오르고 있습니다! 그리고 연말 시즌에 돌입하기 직전인 지금, 12월 콘텐츠 업데이트로 오랫동안 기다려온 개인 해역 모드가 도입되었습니다. 이제 도적의 바다로 처음 나서면서 괜히 전투에 ...
接連兩個月推出重大更新內容後,第十賽季依舊熱烈展開!在進入佳節假期之前,各位引頸期盼的「平安模式」終於隨 12 月內容更新閃亮登場,首次讓玩家能在 Sea of Thieves 大海上自由探索,而不必擔心其他好戰玩家船隊出現進行阻擾。 一如既往,本批更新內容 ...
Legendarny pirat, który odkrył Sea of Thieves, a teraz stara się zagwarantować przetrwanie pirackiego stylu życia. Za życia Piracki Lord Ramsey był jednym z pierwszych poszukiwaczy skarbów, którzy bez ...