I am proud to present a budget that delivers on the priorities of the people of Scotland. Over recent years, our nation has faced an unprecedented range of challenges: Covid, Inflation, Austerity, ...
When I became First Minister earlier this year, I made clear that my foremost priority in government would be eradicating child poverty. In a rich country like Scotland, I simply cannot endure the ...
Since coming to office in 2007, the SNP has changed Scotland beyond all recognition. Families in Scotland enjoy opportunities and universal benefits that they would be denied if they lived in England.
Alasdair Allan has been an SNP MSP since May 2007 representing the constituency of Na h-Eileanan an Iar. Alasdair Allan gained a PhD in Scots Language from Aberdeen University in 1998. Previous to ...
Since coming into office, the SNP has delivered a raft of progressive, transformational policies – all while majority of people in Scotland pay less tax than elsewhere in the UK. We've got what it ...
The SNP has never and will never support the retention or renewal of Trident. We believe that nuclear weapons are immoral, ineffective and expensive. In times of imposed austerity, the £205 billion ...
The SNP Scottish Government has a clear mandate to offer the people of Scotland a choice over our future. The SNP has decisively won the 2021 Scottish Parliamentary election with an explicit ...
Born in Edinburgh in 1964, John graduated with MA Honours Politics from Edinburgh University. He joined the SNP in 1979, and has over his many years of service to the party held a number of posts at ...
George Adam is the MSP for Paisley and currently serves as the Minister for Cabinet and Parliamentary Business.
Annabelle Ewing has been the MSP for Cowdenbeath since 2016, having previously been an MSP for the Mid Scotland and Fife region from 2011 to 2016. Annabelle was also the MP for Perth from 2001 to 2005 ...
Scotland’s place in Europe matters to us as a nation and being part of a wider European family of nations has brought us benefits. We continue to believe that EU membership is the best option for ...
The SNP is committed to making Scotland the nation we know it can be. Our vision is of a prosperous country where everyone gets the chance to fulfil their potential. We want a fair society where ...