The Centre for Research into Practice (CRIP) is the University's main avenue through which educational research is conducted.
Nearly fifteen years ago, through its 2010 Welsh-Medium Education Strategy, the Welsh Assembly Government (2016: 1) set out ...
Wales has a proud tradition of education and Swansea University has played its part since its foundation in 1920. Prominent educationalists such as Charles Gittins, dean of the faculty of education ...
For arrivals week one year we ran an ‘I will’ competition. Students wrote down their goals for the year on a whiteboard. It was great to see so many ambitious students. The competition made us think ...
ALaW is a research group providing a focus for practitioners and researchers whose work relates to Applied Linguistics, the Welsh Language and our bilingual community in Wales. It was set up by Tess ...
Postgraduate researchers are at the heart of this research group: the Distance-learning part-time PhD in Applied Linguistics has been running for 30 years.
Researchers within the Swansea University adopt a broad definition comprising psychological, physical, social and emotional aspects, while also recognising the significance of economic circumstances ...
Swansea University has been involved in recent changes to the curriculum in Wales. As part of an ongoing commitment to the civic mission of the University, we are building a group of researchers ...
Does a natural student exist? Does the naturally perfect student exist or is it something we can all learn? As educators we often hear comments like “I can’t write” or “I’m bad at maths” which suggest ...
Does the naturally perfect student exist or is it something we can all learn? As educators we often hear comments like “I can’t write” or “I’m bad at maths” which suggest that we are born being either ...
Mae Dr Jamie D Stacey yn ysgolhaig cysylltiadau rhyngwladol sy'n arbenigo mewn damcaniaeth cysylltiadau rhyngwladol (yn enwedig lluniadaeth a lluniadaeth feirniadol), hawliau dynol ac ASEAN. Mae ...
The Academic Integrity Ambassadors (AIAs) are a team of volunteer students whose aim is to promote a culture of Academic Integrity across the university in a way that will resonate with other students ...