This incident was reported online days after a Bengaluru man was arrested for carrying three pet dogs on the roof of his car. The recent case of the dog travelling on the roof of an auto in Mumbai ...
The recent case of the dog travelling on the roof of an auto in Mumbai was shared online by several animal lovers, demanding action against the driver of the three-wheeler. The vehicle's ...
Every so often, news headlines warn of an outbreak of kennel cough. Pet parents are cautioned to keep their dogs away from dog parks, kennels, or daycares. In extreme cases, animal shelters close, and ...
The fire apparently started in the kitchen of the Third Avenue Southeast home shortly before 1:45 a.m., and when firefighters arrived they found the residents and one dog on the back of the roof.
Parts of the roof and first floor of the pub were damaged in the blaze A pub has been badly damaged and a dog has died after a fire broke out in the roof space. It happened at the Three Horseshoes ...
“I couldn't stand to think a young dog could potentially spend the rest of her life in kennels,” said Joanne Baker, the new owner of Sarah, a lurcher Latoya Gayle joined PEOPLE as an Associate ...
It is also county councils which employ dog wardens through the Department of Housing. The INHFA deputy leader claimed that these divisions have led to a “complete abdication of responsibilities by ...