在智能设备市场中,苹果的Mac mini M4凭借其出色的性价比和强大的性能再次引发关注。近期,有用户以3500元的价格成功购买了Mac mini ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@凹凸曼001于01月18日发布,转载请标明出处!】 去年没赶上国补,原价买了一台iPhone16ProMax,感觉巨亏,为了能占一次国补的便宜,于是又花3500多入手了一台丐版Macmini M4。
我这台极空间NAS硬盘容量有20TB左右,全部可以和Macmini共用,平时下载的软件安装包、文件等全部保存在极空间NAS上,这样就可以节省大量内置存储 ...
Amazon has just dropped a 44% off deal on the massive 20TB version of the Seagate Expansion desktop USB hard drive, making it very possibly the last $280 you ever spend on external storage.
The Seagate Expansion boasts a single 20TB disk drive so it's no bigger than any other desktop hard drive. It features a USB 3.0 interface with roughly up to 100MB/s transfer speed, which is in ...