Cementitious 3D construction printing (3DCP) or 3D concrete printing is a form of additive manufacturing that can fabricate custom objects from small components such as architectural furniture ...
Scientists have developed a 3D concrete printing method that captures carbon, demonstrating a new pathway to reduce the environmental impact of the construction industry. Scientists at Nanyang ...
(Nanowerk News) Scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have developed a 3D concrete printing method that captures carbon, demonstrating a new pathway to reduce the ...
Researchers worldwide have turned to 3D concrete printing as a potential game-changer. This technology, rooted in additive manufacturing principles, promises to revolutionize construction by ...
As the construction industry continues to evolve, Precast concrete manufacturers are at the forefront of innovation, ...
Scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have developed a 3D concrete printing method that captures carbon, demonstrating a new pathway to reduce the environmental ...
More information: Sean Gip Lim et al, Carbon capture and sequestration with in-situ CO2 and steam integrated 3D concrete printing, Carbon Capture Science & Technology (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.ccst ...
The newly developed 3D concrete printing process involves injecting steam and CO 2, captured as the by-products of industrial processes, into the mixing concrete, which then directly incorporates ...
The three 3D-printed concrete homes are in Grange Close, Dundalk, on the northeastern coast of Ireland and are the result of a collaboration between the 3D-printing firm Harcourt Technologies (HTL ...
MIT engineers have used 3D printing to create reusable glass bricks that withstand as much pressure as concrete blocks.
A new way to 3D print concrete can absorb and trap nearly 40% more carbon dioxide than traditional 3D printing methods. It's among ways scientists are exploring to decarbonise cement manufacturing ...