您是否知道微软曾推出全新的 Windows XP Bliss 壁纸,并更新为 4K 画质,以符合当今的标准? 如果你和我一样,可能喜欢经常更换桌面背景,这也是我为自己的桌面配置 Windows Spotlight 的原因,但有时我们也想尝试一些更怀旧的东西,还有什么比 Bliss 壁纸更怀旧的呢?Windows XP Bliss 壁纸已更新并改进了色彩。 它仍然是晴朗的蓝天下一座翠绿的小山,天空中 ...
If you're really into the whole cinema experience, a Blu-ray player that supports both native 4K and UHD upscaling is as good as you need to get. Can you get an 8K player? Sure, go for it I guess.
Get the best seat in the house with this 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray™ Player. Advanced surround sound, 4K detail, and vibrant High Dynamic Range images offer a visual experience never before possible, for the ...
If you click out of it, then your Blu-ray player just remains on cruise control, delivering the SDR version. There is also a possibility that a setting inside the Panasonic 4K player needs to be ...