Oak Hill – West Virginia American Water (WVAW) announced in a press release on Friday an infrastructure upgrade project in Oak Hill on 2nd Street.
American Water said the upgrades will improve service reliability, and reduce disruptions to the water service.
DeWalt’s TSTAK toolbox is roomier than your average toolbox. In fact, it’s large enough to hold a cordless drill, multiple ...
(GHI) Board of Directors held a town hall meeting to inform members about revisions to the member handbook, the 2025 budget ...
Gainesville, Texas-based Petroflex North America LLC is turning scrap from its high density polyethylene conduit extrusion ...
Growing your favorite vegetables can be challenging without the right tools and structures in your garden bed. Ensure healthy ...
He writes, directs and performs in the intense but increasingly contrived social issues movie “6 A.M.,” in which a small incident escalates into a big tragedy. Although the indie feature ...
Europe pre-insulated pipe industry is projected to reach a valuation of USD 2,379.7 million by 2033. Pre-insulated pipe ...
If you're looking for a new television, a 75-inch set is the sweet spot. It's not quite as overwhelming as an 85-inch TV, but it's still big enough to be an eye-catching centerpiece for most homes.
That black plastic spatula in your kitchen drawer? It may be time to toss it. Recently, there’s been lots of buzz about the dangers of cooking with black plastic utensils — think spoons ...
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