A song originally recorded for Tina Turner’s hit 1980s album “Private Dancer” and thought to be lost has been rediscovered after four decades. “Hot For You Baby” has been unearthed from the vaults and ...
Because of his reticence to take the spotlight, you won't find many instances of famed music producer Robert John Lange, more familiarly known by his nickname "Mutt," patting himself on the back. But ...
Tom Petty and the Heartbreaker's Greatest Hits reaches 600 weeks on the Billboard 200, becoming one ... [+] of fewer than 20 albums to do so. CLARKSTON, MI - AUGUST 24: Tom Petty and the ...
Based on our findings, they regularly played 21 songs at shows including fan favorites like “Back in Black,” “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap,” “Let There Be Rock,” “For Those About to Rock (We Salute You ...