DC’s new animated trilogy reportedly starting with Batman: Knightfall: Part 1 The latest filing made on the EIDR System states that Warner Bros might be producing new Batman animated movies, and ...
The original Knightfall storyline, published in April 1993 in three parts – Knightfall, Knightquest, and Knightsend – is best known for delivering one of Batman ... that movie is not going ...
As a result, most fans expect these movies to be quietly scrapped. Now, though, it appears there either are - or were - plans for an animated trilogy based on Batman: Knightfall. He's been a ...
Batman: Knightfall to reportedly start a new animated DC trilogy The latest filing made on the EIDR System states that Warner Bros might be producing new Batman animated movies, and making a trilogy.
For many Batman fans, there was the first golden age of films starring the Caped Crusader that began in 1989 and ended in 1997. This particular era is on sale right now, and you can watch all of ...
A new animated DC Elseworlds movie reimagining the ... after proving all the haters wrong, the British actor will be reprising the role of Batman. However, it should be noted that co-writer ...