DC’s new animated trilogy reportedly starting with Batman: Knightfall: Part 1 The latest filing made on the EIDR System states that Warner Bros might be producing new Batman animated movies, and ...
Batman: Knightfall to reportedly start a new animated DC trilogy The latest filing made on the EIDR System states that Warner Bros might be producing new Batman animated movies, and making a trilogy.
As a result, most fans expect these movies to be quietly scrapped. Now, though, it appears there either are - or were - plans for an animated trilogy based on Batman: Knightfall. He's been a ...
Before you cast your vote, try revisiting (or, perhaps, even discovering) all of the live-action ... More about the Batman movie: While some may assume Superman is the de facto leader of the ...
A new Batman animated movie trilogy is reportedly in development at DC Studios and it’s said to be based on Batman: Knightfall. The news comes from a recent addition to the EIDR System, which ...
This will include 109 episodes, with all 85 episodes from the original animated series (1992 to 1995), along with The New Batman Adventures, an extension of the original series. The deal also includes ...