Demi Moore celebrated her first-ever Oscars nomination with a heartfelt statement. However, the actress conveyed the message with a heavy heart, considering the L.A. wildfires disaster!
His all black red carpet ‘fit immediately ... Pair it with trousers or even Wrangler’s Cowboy Cut Jeans. Hundreds of shoppers say the Wrangler denim jacket is “the best they own.” ...
A black moon is a rare occurrence. The next Black Moon will occur on Aug. 23, 2025. This is considered a Black Moon under the definition of the third new moon in a season of four new moons.
Oh, baby! Little ones are on the way. A number of celebrity women have announced pregnancies in 2024. From singers to influencers, comedians, filmmakers, and athletes, the stork has been busy!
Five big bangs that shook the corporate world in 2024 The video shared on Reddit, begins with a shot of Gurugram’s cybercity, showcasing sleek tech office buildings and the metro that connects the ...