Anime has evolved from simplistic designs in the 1960s to high-definition visuals in the 2010s, showcasing constant artistic innovation. Iconic series from each decade defined their era, adapting ...
2025, for those who might not know, is the “Year of The Snake” according to the Chinese zodiac. To help celebrate the arrival of the new year, One Piece’s creator has shared new art that ...
The magical world of Disney has inspired countless animated endeavors and introduced generations to lovable mascot characters such as Mickey Mouse. Now, these iconic Disney faces are getting an ...
A seemingly innocuous question that in truth carries immense weight. It’s the kind of question that you can brush off with a casual wave of the hand, or it can leave you speechless, unable to ...
Takashi Murakami knows how to work his magic to brighten people’s mood wherever he goes. Take his recent whirlwind trip to London, for example. It was almost impossible to spot a non-smiling ...
My Hero Academia and the numerous interpersonal relationships between its large cast of characters have been central aspects of the series and its fandom. Although almost none of the anticipated ...