Question: My mother in her 70s has mild cognitive impairment. She searched for words and forgets thing. It doesn’t majorly impact day to day life, but is this a definite pre-cursor for dementia? I am ...
As an only child, loneliness was always the enemy. As an empty nester who recently relocated to the remote desert, could it ...
The sense of loneliness spiked during COVID and continues to harm our society and health. Who is most affected and what ...
Helen Khan, 45, joined her local community choir to help avoid developing the disease which took both her father and aunt ...
Recent headlines suggest that up to 42% of people ages 55 and older face an eventual dementia diagnosis. But some experts have a follow-up message: Risk isn't the same as destiny, and there are ways ...
Scientists from Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China have found that combining a brain-stimulation ...
A new study has identified three psychological profiles that influence brain health, cognitive decline, and dementia risk in ...
The newly launched EPIC Moves, Better Lives at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital aims to raise £20,000 to bring transformative reconditioning ...
Researchers have identified three psychological profiles that can help estimate an individual’s risk of dementia, by ...
Here is a list of research studies that currently are looking for participants. More information on each study can be found ...
Memory issues can occur as people age, but what is just a “senior moment” and what is a sign of the onset of dementia?A new ...
An international study has identified three psychological profiles associated with different patterns of cognitive and brain decline in aging. The study, which analyzed more than 1,000 middle-aged and ...