The Brutalist,” a historical epic that examines the post-war immigrant experience, and “Emilia Pérez,” a musical about a drug lord who undergoes gender-affirming surgery, won top honors at the Golden ...
John Capodice, who appeared in fan favorites like Ace Ventura, Seinfeld, and General Hospital, has passed away at the age of 83. The Pizzi Funeral Home announced that Capodice passed away on Monday, ...
As we enter a cold snap this weekend, enjoy a cosy night in at home thanks to the Mail's TV experts, who have sifted through hundreds of films to bring you the 25 best titles to stream on demand now.
Of course, no Batman movie works without a great villain or two, a task that Cillian Murphy's slimy Scarecrow and Liam Neeson's pained Ra's al Ghul are more than up for. The film was even nominated ...