The DC Animated Universe featured a string of interconnected cartoon shows that aired in the '90s and '00s. Here's the best ...
Reeves' Batman series has potential for over 3 films; it shouldn't be confined to a trilogy. Robert Pattinson sees himself retiring after the conclusion of The Batman trilogy, which would see his ...
They say the world measures a hero by his villains. No wonder Batman remains as well-known and popular a superhero as he is ...
The original Batman: Hush is undoubtedly one of the most iconic Batman comics ever published, as it effectively established ...
Most acceptance speeches at the Golden Globes are filled with the names of all the people who made the winner’s achievement ...
What it's about: Bruce Wayne struggles with his own identity while Two-Face and The Riddler attempt to discover Batman's true identity. What it's about: The Caped Crusaders try to protect Gotham ...