The animated film Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the only movie where Batman and the Joker are voiced by the same ...
The Brave and the Bold director Andy Muschietti recently revealed that the film has been postponed, and he may make another ...
Well, consider these censor-dodging nasties, the 10 scariest Batman Villains to appear in an animated series.
As a result, most fans expect these movies to be quietly scrapped. Now, though, it appears there either are - or were - plans for an animated trilogy based on Batman: Knightfall. He's been a ...
The first phase of this plan is the much spoken of "Gods and Monsters," which is set to include five films ... of animated series from the DCAU that Gunn relies heavily on for his plans. Batman ...
What it’s about: Set in a noir-inspired Gotham, Batman: The Animated Series follows Bruce Wayne as he battles an iconic rogues’ gallery to protect the city, alongside the likes of Robin and ...
Outside of the aforementioned upcoming Batman movies that do not exist in the ... from two wildly different animated series to a gritty live-action TV show. The next adaptation will see them ...
Yesterday evening, the news broke that DC Studios is developing a Clayface movie. However, the villain is also expected to be ...
The original Knightfall storyline, published in April 1993 in three parts – Knightfall, Knightquest, and Knightsend – is best known for delivering one of Batman ... that movie is not going ...