The animated film Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the only movie where Batman and the Joker are voiced by the same ...
After it was reported that The Batman Part II was delayed until 2027, James Gunn has come out of his Batcave to explain why ...
Matt Reeves‘ The Batman Part II has officially had its release date delayed, moving the highly anticipated sequel starring ...
The sequel to Matt Reeves’ acclaimed 2022 film, ‘The Batman,’ was originally supposed to arrive in theaters in 2025 ...
The Dark Knight is beloved by nearly everyone, but there are some who believe it fails as a Batman adaptation. Let’s discuss ...
Before you cast your vote, try revisiting (or, perhaps, even discovering) all of the live-action, feature-length DC movies starring ... known as The Joker. What it's about: Batman is pushed ...
Following the success of The Batman in 2022 ... since Cloverfield and the Apes’ movies. We are eagerly awaiting his script.” Keoghan’s cameo as the Joker was one of the most-talked about ...
In a recent Instagram clip from an interview with Josh Horowitz on his podcast, Happy Sad Confused, the Tenet star John David ...