Bane, an imposing terrorist, attacks Gotham City and disrupts its eight-year-long period of peace. This forces Bruce Wayne to come out of hiding and don the cape and cowl of Batman again. Most movies ...
Matt Reeves’ grungy take on Gotham’s hero was one of the best Batman movies so far; it was incredibly stylish, delightfully dark, and opened up a whole world of possibilities for further stories.
Here’s how it works. With how many upcoming DC movies there are on the horizon, now is a great time to be a fan of characters like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and more of your favorite ...
The Batman director Matt Reeves has broken his silence on speculation that Robert Pattinson's Dark Knight will join the DCU, and the filmmaker certainly isn't denying the possibility. Check it ...
Certain Batman movie endings are incredibly hard to forget. Here are some of the best ones that fans of the Caped Crusader can check out. It also adds a lot of intrigue to the story by seeing an ...
It’s a film made of moments and set-pieces that could comprise an entire third-act finale in a lesser movie. Here, they exist in a triumphant assemblage of carefully interlocking components ...