Heartbreaking footage shows a baby orangutan trapped in a tiny cage in a smuggling ring that was smashed by police this week. The primate was torn from its home in Indonesia before being dragged ...
Who are the most honest vocalists in music? Those artists who make you believe every word? To me that list starts with Gladys Knight and Chris Cornell.
Martin Luther King. This tune is written about him and for him,” said Nina Simone as she introduced one of the best Martin Luther King songs in history, “Why (The King Of Love Is Dead),” to ...
From classic hits sung by Diana Ross, to stunning tracks recorded by later line-ups of the group, the best Supremes songs reveal the group’s unique magic. But their lives grew complicated.
Singer Charli XCX, whose album "Brat" inspired a cultural phenomenon last summer, led nominations for the BRIT Awards on Thursday, with the Beatles also recognised with their first nod at Britain's ...
He’s known for touching ballads in the soft rock genre, but he’s also a record producer and gifted pianist. Below are 10 of his best songs. They’re all ranked from number 10 to number one. If you’re ...