In an unfortunate turn of events, two people lost their lives after attending the pre-release event of Ram Charan's Game Changer in Rajahmundry. They have been identified as Arava Manikanta (23) and ...
Fitness trends come and go, but pedaling in place on an exercise bike is a classic ... the biggest name in the game. Mad Dogg Athletics trademarked the word “Spin” (along with “Spinning ...
The end of the school holidays are almost upon us, and no doubt the choruses of ‘I’m bored’ kicked in a while ago. To help, we’ve put together a list of our favourite things to do to help beat the ...
Once it was clear that I was talented enough to play college basketball, the recruiting trips began. It was one of the coolest times in my life, and not just because I was being flown around to visit ...