I recently moved cities and into a new apartment, and while I used to think furnishing a new space would be exciting and exhilarating, I've found that it's been more stressful than anything.
This rental was sad when Jillian moved in. “It was dark, cold, many things were broken, the vibe was off … ” Jillian put a lot of TLC, love, and effort to turn this dingy rental into an oasis.
If you’ve always lived in (and furnished) apartments, tackling the decorating in a whole house can be a challenge, especially when it comes to decorating and furnishing. Here's how to get started.
According to Kozo, the ideal way to use a space heater is to warm up the room you want to be in before you need to be there. For example, turn on the space heater in your bedroom before you go to bed.