The Baltic Dry Index fell below 1,000 points for the first time since July 2023 as tumbling capesize earnings pulled the spot market indicator downwards. The BDI, a barometer of spot market ...
Ahead of that front, showers and thunderstorms fired up, but we are now drying out. Highs tomorrow and Friday will be in the 60s ... All attention then turns to Tuesday and Wednesday ahead of another ...
It’s the season for dry, itchy skin, from your flaky scalp all the way down to your cracked heels. Why is winter so brutal on our bodies? You can thank the dry winter air—which is often made ...
The genome of the fungus that helps mountain pine beetles infect and kill lodgepole pines has been decoded in a University of British Columbia study. Also known as blue stain fungus for the stain it ...
For those living in colder climates, the cold, dry, winter air can do it as well. That's why red, raw and itchy skin can be a common complaint at this time of year. Cold winter air generally means ...
“It’s simply unacceptable to continue to allow cancer-causing chemicals to be used for things like glue, dry cleaning or stain removers when safer alternatives exist,” said Michal ...
Japanese showerhead company Science Co. has created an AI-powered "washing machine of the future," designed to provide the ultimate bath experience. The device, named "Mirai Ningen Sentakuki," is a ...
Dr Chan said research investigating the link between screen time and dry eye disease in young people was in its early stages but there were "a few things emerging that seem to be consistent".