"Squid Game" was first released on Netflix in 2021, and became a massive franchise hit, making over $900 million in 2021.
Black Ops 6 and Warzone celebrate Squid Game Season 2 with a themed event featuring new rewards and limited time modes.
The complete COD Black Ops 6 and Warzone update 1.65 patch notes are now available detailing the new Squid Game 2 content and more.
Treyarch releases the first major Call of Duty update for 2025, bringing plenty of new content and improvements to both Black Ops 6 and Warzone.
New features include MP and Zombies modes, High Roller Wildcard, Elemental Sword buffs, and various improvements.
The event pass for the Black Ops 6 Squid Game crossover has been unveiled, and while not a total rip-off, there's still cause for concern.