A teenage boy named Max and his little sister move to Salem, where he struggles to fit in before awakening a trio of diabolical witches that were executed in the 17th century.
Once you get past Jim Carrey playing the lead, you find that Meryl Streep, Catherine O’Hara, Jennifer Coolidge, and Jude Law are all in this children’s movie. 10 of 20 Sigourney Weaver , 'Holes' ...
With Halloween right around the corner, it’s hard not to reflect on childhood Halloweens spent roaming the streets in search of sugary treats to fill your plastic pumpkin pail. Here are the undisputed ...
EJ Moreno looks at the rise of independent horror movies in 2024… What a knockout year for horror overall. While the point of this piece is to spotlight what a fantastic ride it’s been in the ...