"Ruraru-san no Hondana," written and illustrated by Hiroshi Ito (Published by Poplar Publishing Co. Ltd., 2005)Story outlineMr. Ruraru's bookshelf (th・・・ ...
One of Hina Hirayama’s earliest memories is watching her mother sketching plants in her Tokyo flower garden. “I remember her being so completely absorbed. She loved plants all her life.” Indeed, there ...
Alpacas in Green Pastures by Caroline Cornelissen from Monavea, Crettyard, follows a conversation between a mother alpaca and her cria (baby) Tahulla. The conversation explores the alpaca’s origin and ...
Capturing elusive feelings in words and pictures is the central project, and the greatest challenge, of a children’s book. For young people led by their tender hearts, a book that understands those ...
Leland Melvin, an astronaut, educator, former NFL player and now author, wants his new 'Space Chasers' series to show kids they can do anything, with the right people in their orbit.
Growing up in Massachusetts, in the mid-80’s, second-grader Nancy Mugele, now Head of Kent School, a private day school in Chestertown, had an adorable and stubborn gray kitten ...