The Teranode Group (Teranode) launches today, combining the collective strengths of market leading blockchain innovations to form a ...
Cisco's IT services. Its slick desktop app puts all of its core capabilities at your fingertips, while its free tier is ...
近日,甘肃镇原县法院审结了一起架设VOIP设备实施电信诈骗犯罪案,判处王某有期徒刑三年,并处罚金5000元。红星新闻记者了解到,架设VOIP设备实施电信诈骗是一种新型网络诈骗。在该案中,上线雇佣王某到指定酒店开房,搭建并调试好VOIP设备,支付其每天 ...
Most IP phone systems are deployed within single buildings or on school facilities that are connected via either wired or ...
DNS (Domain Name System) translates user-friendly domain names into IP addresses, allowing users to access websites without remembering complex numbers. Regular DNS, however, has security and ...
KGZCAPS is a robust zero-configuration provisioning server for Grandstream IP phones. It provides seamless automatic configuration, supports both DHCP and static IP modes, and dynamically generates ...
I’ll share my list of the best phones I’m looking forward to in the year to come and my reasons why. Let’s dive in.
Like many things, smartphone launches are cyclical. Samsung usually kicks off the first quarter by introducing its new Galaxy S phones, while Apple debuts its new iPhones in September.
Everyone with a phone needs a carrier, but not everyone's needs are the same, including our older friends and family. There is plenty to consider when choosing the best phone plan for senior adults.
Proxies can “allow people with malicious intent to use your internet connection to potentially use it for their attacks, meaning that your device and your home IP address may be involved in a ...
The Cisco SG300-MP is designed to be a user-managed switch. Although it can work as a standalone device in a very small office, the primary use of the switch is as an edge device on a larger network, ...