The deadline reservation for classified advertising is each Tuesday by 12 PM (noon). Fill out this form to place a CLASSIFIED AD (help wanted, items for sale, home/apartment/office for rent, services, ...
Call 567-400-4266 with questions but ads must be sent electronically. - Please provide up to 75 words. Includes clickable links and phone numbers, one attachement (jpg. png or pdf). PAYMENT Payable by ...
Add a color photo or logo to your ad for just $10! (*Please note, classified photos and logoes print at 2.3" wide by 1.1" tall so some cropping may occur. It is best to upload images that are ...
Please enter your classified ad request below. We will forward you a proof and price quote for approval. All ads require prepayment. Please call our office at 508-222-7018, Monday through Friday ...
Any ads received later than this deadline will not run until the following week. Our online Classified ads are identical to those which appear in our printed newspaper. This section is updated weekly.
Ads can be submitted through this form, or by calling (516) 294-8900 or by faxing ad copy to (516) 294-8924. Classified advertisements appear in the print editions of six weekly newspapers in Nassau ...
We accept all major credit/debit cards or you may stop by the office and pay with cash or check. To pre-pay your ad or if you have any questions, please call Classifieds at 830-225-2600.