Credit card swipe fees, which are among the highest operating costs for retailers, are taking a bite out of household budgets, according to industry experts. When a credit or debit card is used ...
STOP swiping your iPhone apps closed every day – it's a big mistake. It's easy to think you're giving a big boost to your iPhone's battery life and performance, but it's just not true.
Kentucky's economic health relies heavily on the prosperity of its businesses, both big and small. But with prices continuing to rise, small businesses like mine that comprise more than 99% of ...
During the roughly three years since the pandemic, small-business owners have struggled with higher labor costs, increasing rents, and inflation-driven spikes in the prices of supplies. But many ...
Many small businesses are breathing a bit easier as inflation has cooled and the race for workers slows. But consumers’ steady embrace of credit cards is taking a growing bite out of their margins.
PHOENIX (AZFamily) — For years, credit card swipe fees have been criticized. As of Jan. 1, Visa raised two of the credit card swipe fees it charges banks and processing companies. With the new ...