The latest news on fashion and beauty, including fashion designers and houses, cosmetic brands, fashion week and the red carpet. Also covers beauty products and treatments, cosmetics releases, make-up ...
One late night in December 2015, I was having a late-night dinner while working at Bootlegger Bistro. These were the days when the restaurant ran 24/7, and ...
BLACKPINK's Jennie-designed luxury car was surprisingly found up for resale on a Korean site. Back in 2022, the K-pop idol collaborated with the brand to release a limited edition model.
Kimchi, a traditional Korean fermented dish, substantially reduces obesity and body fat, as per a study by the World ...
Collagen supplements for skin can be a good addition to your diet. Read this comparison between HealthKart and Wellbeing ...
SEVENTEEN's BSS is back with a brand new music video titled CBZ (Prime Time) from 2nd single album TELEPARTY. Check it out inside.