Delhi splurged Rs 4.6 lakh on poker chips, and Mumbai ordered 31 rakhis in a single transaction. Swiggy also delivered 8 lakh rakhis on Raksha Bandhan and saw 307 roses ordered per minute on Valentine ...
The city also went on a brushing spree this year, snapping up a mind-blowing 2,72,731 toothbrushes. Mumbai truly lived up to its "Maximum City" reputation with an user splurging a staggering Rs 8 ...
Japanese researchers have developed a groundbreaking drug that can regrow teeth. The drug targets a protein that inhibits tooth growth and has shown promising results in mice and ferrets.
Amazon has slashed the price of this Oral-B toothbrush, meaning shoppers can enjoy a great deal. Praised as teeth "never looked or felt cleaner" this toothbrush has great reviews. The Oral-B io5 ...
Remarkably well preserved ice age remains like those discovered recently in a yard near Scotchtown, N.Y., are rare — but not as rare as you might think. By Christopher Maag A married couple arri ...