The upcoming DC film is a direct sequel to the 2017 superhero blockbuster "Wonder Woman", which followed Gadot's Diana Prince, who grows from a sheltered Amazonian princess to the titular warrior.
If the Marvel Cinematic Universe is an intricate puzzle in which each piece finds its perfect place (or mostly), the DC Universe is a Gordian knot, complicated by aborted overarching storytelling ...
According to data from the CDC, about 890,000 middle school and high school students, around 3.5%, report having used nicotine pouches, including 1.8% of kids in grades 6, 7, and 8.
While a lot of superhero games came out in the 80s, 90s, and beyond, a lot of them were used as a quick cash-in or half-effort reskin of another game. Some of the games we get these days are touch and ...