A team of researchers at Afe Babalola University Multi-System Hospital (ABUAD-MSH), has achieved a breakthrough in orthopaedic surgery in addressing the burden of osteoarthritis in Nigeria. By ...
A U.S.-based researcher is hoping that a recent study into the connection between menopause and osteoarthritis will help pave ...
The clinic, dedicated to treating knee osteoarthritis and spine degenerative disorders, introduces innovative diagnostic and ...
Osteoarthritis is no longer just a disease of the elderly. A combination of sedentary lifestyles, poor diets, obesity, and ...
Sedentary jobs that involve long hours of sitting, poor posture, lack of exercise, and obesity are some of the reasons behind ...
These are the excerpts from an interview conducted with DR. Harindu Wijesinghe (MBBS, MD, MRCP), Consultant Rheumatologist and Specialist in Sports ...
Dog hydrotherapy utilizes water's healing properties to enhance mobility, alleviate pain, and support rehabilitation.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease where bone erosion occurs, leading to rough joint surfaces and reduced joint ...
Arthritis is a broad term that refers to the inflammation of joints resulting in joint pain, swelling, stiffness and limited ...