Acclaimed manga artist Akira Toriyama, creator of the global hits “Dragon Ball” and “Dr. Slump,” died on March 1 due to acute subdural hematoma, according to his publisher Shueisha Inc.
Each artist who contributed also left a comment talking about Toriyama, or their own memories with Dragon Ball. In general, the redesigned cover uses the same characters, composition, or motifs as ...
Dragon Ball is back in a big way, and we have its new anime to thank. Earlier this year, the world was introduced to the franchise's next installment all thanks to Dragon Ball Daima. The anime ...
Akira Toriyama, who was 68, was best known for Dragon Ball, the hit manga that spawned ... as Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger, and other artists, writers and musicians have been inspired by ...
“Dragon Ball” and “Dr. Slump” took the world by storm but their creator, manga artist Akira Toriyama, initially harbored deep reservations when starting out on the projects. Toriyama died ...