and a mirror reflection showed a different face. A TV show revealed the star of Twitter user @azusagakuyuki was actually a 50-year-old man named Soya. He admitted to using photo editing apps to ...
But since the face-editing tool went viral in the last few days, some have raised concerns over its terms and conditions. They argue that the company takes a cavalier approach to users' data - but ...
Sofie Pavitt is NYC's acne whisperer, and her award-winning mandelic acid serum is a must-try if you're dealing with clogged pores or acne. The Cosmo beauty team is collectively obsessed with how well ...
Thanks to Android and iOS apps, as well as video editing tools, it’s also easier to keep sensitive details confidential. Google launched YouTube's face blurring tool in 2012 to help to protect ...
people now begin to view the virtual filters that slim their face and body as the actual beauty standard. To appear perfect their looks, people resort to beauty filters and editing apps.