Flat Earth conspiracy theorist Mark Sargent argued on an episode of MAD THAT podcast that the 1969 Moon landing was staged.
That will solve this once and for all,” Will Duffy said. “We need to go to Antarctica. I need to take a flat-Earther or two ...
A couple of popular science experts have made the same point to prove that the Flat Earth theory is a bunch of malarkey. It's ...
The shape of our planet is one of the unknowns that has always existed on Earth. It has aconcreteshape and is something that ...
Physicists explore a doughnut-shaped universe using cosmic microwave background patterns, challenging traditional flat or infinite universe theories.
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Lord Jamar of Brand Nubian fame is coming under fire once more for his commitment to the baseless flat earth theory.
Chorus waves are mysterious, chirping signals produced by spiraling plasma inside our planet's magnetic field. But a new detection suggests scientists may understand less about them than first thought ...