Imagine a world where marinara sauce isn't part of the American palate. That was true nearly 60 years ago, when food conglomerate Campbell's kickstarts what will become an Italian-American food revolu ...
【翻旧岁 迎新年】主播双语说年俗丨大年初四据传说,正月初四,灶王爷要查户口,人们要恭迎灶王爷回民间。老话说:“送神早,接神迟”,所以家家户户都要守在家里,把供品备齐,三牲、水果、酒菜一样都不能少,还要焚香点烛,燃放鞭炮,以示恭迎。初四快乐2025According to folklore, Kitchen God will check the ...
"Most of the traditional farming practices are not ecologically sustainable in Pakistan. Natural resources are being misused, reducing soil fertility, causing erosion, and contributing to climate ...