CHECK your change for unusual coins as they can be worth much more than they first appear. Rare designs currently in circulation can sell for hundreds of pounds. If you keep hold of a rare piece ...
like rare coins. The reason rare coins increase in value is simple: They will always be rare and that rarity will always lure collectors and investors. This creates steady demand, which in turn ...
While buying known rare coins can be a costly venture, you can start collecting for little to no money. And you don’t need to be of a certain age to take up the hobby. In fact, according to the ...
Harrison Alley is a fiction writer, fantasy and sci-fi aficionado, founder of Fiction Lit, and an avid collector of rare coins. His passion for numismatics rivals his love of literature ...
Read on for a roundup of the most valuable coins from the 1930s, ’40s, ’50s and ’60s to see if you may have hidden treasure of your own. Coins can be worth much more than their face value ...