The January event has been created by Undergrand, a travelling piano business that aims to combine music and nature. Undergrand was established after Joe Dobson sold his Hawke’s Bay chocolate ...
Some social media users claim they're leaving their luggage at home and opting for a care-free way to travel ... but it doesn't mean exactly how it sounds. Instead of hopping on a plane with ...
At the Bloom Transformation Center in Downtown Detroit, there’s a lot of relaxing going on ... She’s talking about sound healing which is traditionally called a Sound Bath.
The hills are alive with "The Sound of Music" back on your television. ABC is doing its annual December broadcast of the Oscar-winning musical this weekend, according to the Sound of Music X account.
PEOPLE with depression, anxiety or loneliness are being offered a free nature-based course aimed at improving their mental health. The move is part of the NHS’s new drive on preventative ...