“Nosferatu” follows Thomas Hutter (Nicholas Hoult), an estate agent who journeys to Transylvania to meet Count Orlok (Bill Skarsgård), a potential client. While he is away, Hutter’s newlywed wife, ...
A new immigrant museum near the 19th-century Anglican and Lutheran churches and Catholic and Protestant cemeteries plans to become the center of cultural life on Valparaíso’s most visited attraction, ...
For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women),' due out March 21, is the moody follow-up to the band's Grammy-nominated 'Jubilee.' The band plays the Met on May 16.
Nosferatu hit theaters last month, and fans who saw the film and were impressed by its gothic locales and grimly-styled set pieces are curious about where the latest Robert Eggers feature was filmed ...