During the holiday season, you might be accumulating a lot more trash than usual. Between paper napkins from hosting, tissue ...
Guidance on recycling can vary between different communities statewide, according to the Wisconsin Department of Natural ...
The holidays create a lot of waste, with all the wrapped presents, holiday-centric clothing and strands of lights that don't work anymore.
Tips on how to properly recycle, compost and reuse common holiday waste, such as wrapping paper, boxes and plastic, that is often thrown into the trash.
With the holiday closure, Sarcan recommends waiting to return recyclables until the New Year. Sarcan plays a vital role in the province's recycling efforts, recycling 46 million pounds of goods ...
Here's what to know about holiday waste disposal ... You cannot, however, recycle any tissue paper. "Keep in mind that what you can recycle at a relative's home may be different than what you ...