Connect a credit card While your Amazon membership is free, your Kindle Unlimited account will set you back $9.99 per month. As such, you'll want to be sure that you have a credit card connected ...
You can set up an Amazon Kindle Unlimited account in just a few taps—but first ... "you can use the free Kindle app on any ...
In addition to reading on a Kindle device, you can also use your Kindle Unlimited account on a phone or tablet, to read or listen on the go. You'll need the Kindle app to do this. You'll also be ...
This month, there are three upcoming dates: In short: Free event books are yours forever, while Kindle Unlimited offers temporary access to a large library as long as you maintain your subscription.
In short: Free event books are yours forever, while Kindle Unlimited offers temporary access to a large library as long as you maintain your subscription. These books are free for anyone ...