Herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP), also referred to as a herniated disc, is a common spine pathology that occurs approximately 95% of the time at the L4-L5 or L5-S1 level (Fisher et al., 2004; Asch ...
Lumbar herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP ... Microdiscectomy is the gold standard treatment for uncomplicated HNP. LSS has an insidious onset. Often, clinical presentation is a long history of ...
If you find yourself asking if you can get back to your favorite hobbies, let's say martial arts for example, after a back or ...
Scoliosis most often produces an S-shaped curve, affecting the thoracic spine and lumbar spine of the upper ... and draining fluid through thoracentesis are treatment options depending on the severity ...
DCCR是一种含有二氮嗪胆碱(diazoxidecholine)的创新专有缓释剂型,每日口服一次。 DCCR开发项目的数据支持来自五项在健康志愿者中完成的1期临床研究和3项完成的2期临床研究,其中一项是在PWS患者中进行的。在PWS的3期临床开发项目中, DCCR在解决PWS的标志性症状暴食症以及其他几种症状(如攻击性/破坏性行为、脂肪质量和其他代谢参数)方面显示出可喜的效果。