Our memory always lingers in (on) the shore of Lake Baikal. Many years later, the memory of the old days fades away. The dancing snow is too cold to come with your warmness. The lifetime is so short ...
近日,赛里木湖现冰推景观,令网友向往不已,纷纷留言:这简直是季节、地点双重限定美景!Recently, the ice push phenomenon at Sayram Lake has attracted widespread attention ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
DVP上的这一新施工封闭加剧了驾驶者目前的困境。在此之前,Dufferin Street与Strachan Avenue之间的Gardiner Expressway已经因长期施工让通勤者苦不堪言。尽管项目提前四个月,但预计仍将持续至2026年春季。
许澄宇,北京画家,1946年生。现为中国美术家协会会员,李可染画院特聘画家。自幼喜爱书画,且兴趣广泛,对乐器诗词均有涉猎。1960年师从包九中特级美术教师兰尚濂先生学习素描色彩,有造型功底。后专攻国画,并以山水为主。1987年考入中国画研究院山水研修 ...