and Disney Animation’s “Encanto,” “as they come to life like never before,” states a news release. This adventure on ice transports fans into two of the most popular Disney films as ...
We've rounded up 12 of the best Lego deals from around the web, covering our favorite space, Star Wars and Marvel-themed Lego on the shelves. It might not be Black Friday anymore but there are ...
These aren't the droids you're looking for — but they are the Lego sets you're looking for. We've rounded up the best Lego Star Wars sets you can currently buy, with something to suit every ...
From deals on LEGO, streaming services, and VPNs (which are great for partnering with your subscriptions if you're planning to go away anytime soon), I'm forever looking at the best deals for ...
Released in June 2021, the Lego Art World Map contains 11,695 pieces, making it the biggest Lego set ever made. Much more a piece of home decor than a typical model or plaything, it’s over one meter ...
From those early days of serving, Laverde worked her way through the industry. Now, alongside her mother, father, and brother, she’s launching Encanto, a Colombian restaurant that represents both her ...
You may know me as Underscored’s senior deals editor, but I am also our resident Lego expert. I’ve been building kits from the company since before I could walk and have been writing about ...