近日, 药明康德 宣布公司入选《时代周刊》“World’s Best Companies in Sustainable Growth 2025”榜单。这一认可彰显了药明康德稳健的业绩表现和对可持续发展的坚定承诺。
leaving them with a lasting impression of the importance of minimizing waste in daily life. The power plant's distinctive circular form, coupled with an innovative permeable envelope, photovoltaic ...
2024年已经接近尾声,今天来为大家盘点一下这一年的十大科学突破。其中第7个是来自中国科学家的发现,第9个是我们的老熟人马斯克带来的。首先我们要介绍的是科技突破的冠军奖项,来自人类向艾滋病的正式宣战——一种长效艾滋病预防针剂。一年两针,就几乎能100 ...
撰文 | Cloud审校|刘六七11月27日,在太平洋中部的一个小岛上,世界名鸟——74岁高龄的信天翁“智慧”又下蛋了!智慧(右)和新伴侣一起欣赏它产下的蛋。图源:Dan Rapp, ...
Michela Tindera Chloe wanders around outside the entrance. It’s loud and electronic music is thumping. And there, she meets a 26-year-old guy named Didi Steiner. He’s from Austria, and he catches her ...