The Lord of the Rings is an epic saga that revolves entirely around the One Ring, yet we learn very little about its full powers and capabilities. The movies tell us that the ring was created by ...
The Return of the King, Frodo, and several other characters departed from the Grey Havens on a voyage to the Undying Lands. To do so, they needed to sail across the Belegaer, the ocean west of ...
Antiques Roadshow played host to a charmingly imperfect Middle-earth book collection on Sunday, 5 January's episode. Clive Farahar, who has appeared as an expert on the BBC programme for close to ...
The War of the Rohirrim released in theaters December 13 and arrived on digital storefronts just two weeks later. The film failed to reach $10 million at the box office, which likely contributed ...
Since Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power debuted in 2022, the show has dived headfirst into Sauron’s rise, dazzling us with breathtaking visuals and deep lore. This Middle-earth has been serving ...