Overall Mini PCI-e is a fairly unloved interface, but we’ve seen the reverse of this hack before, a Mini PCI-e to USB adapter used to add a 12-axis sensor to a laptop.
Designed by Universal Machine Intelligence, the M.2 CAN FD adapter is an M.2 to CAN FD converter board that brings two ...
Supporting only 3.3 volts and 32 bits of the PCI specification, Mini PCI was designed for peripherals such as network adapters in laptops, but also wound up in DVD players, HDTVs and other devices.
性能与规格方面,佰维的 Mini SSD 采用 PCIe 4.0×2 接口,符合 NVMe 1.4 协议,搭载 3D TLC NAND 闪存,容量覆盖 512GB~2TB,顺序读取可达 3700MB/s,顺序写入也 ...