Tesla has quietly unveiled its facelifted Model Y with new styling to keep it current with rivals like Kia and Volvo.
特斯拉Model 3在中国市场迎来了它的五周年庆典。回望五年前,这款由中国制造的电动车型首次交付给了十位来自不同地区的车主,标志着特斯拉在中国市场的新篇章正式开启。五年来,Model 3以其卓越的性能和不断的创新升级,赢得了广大消费者的喜爱。
Ram trucks have been using the 6.7L Cummins diesel engine for almost two decades. Here is its oil capacity and why the model ...
宝子们,最近是不是有不少人在纠结特斯拉官网认证的二手 Model 3 到底值不值得入手呢?咱今儿就来好好唠唠这事儿。