A 5,544-piece Diagon Alley set launched as a Lego Store exclusive back in 2020. It's still available to buy at the Lego Store, but it's out of stock for retail price ($450) at major retailers.
This set contains 748 pieces and we think it’s very reasonably priced ... Luckily for me, this set contains four Lego Reindeer figures, so I have the names covered. After all, Santa conjures memories ...
"Large LEGO pieces were everywhere, kids were crying, there were tons of people all in the office some with ice packs over their heads and people allowing their children to steal the Lego pieces ...
This festive season, Gateway transformed into a winter wonderland of creativity and fun, courtesy of the LEGO fun holiday activation! The activation opened on 6 December and will run until 6 January.
The LEGO Eiffel Tower is, as of January 2025, the set with the highest piece count in LEGO history – over 10,000 pieces, which combine to form one of the most iconic structures in the world.